Monday, May 6, 2013

The Obesity Epidemic

The Obesity Epidemic

Health care systems around the globe are beginning to recognise the risk that obesity
poses to human health and many programmes are now being put into place in an
effort to reduce the burden of obesity and its related diseases. Current definitions of
obesity are based on the ratio of bodyweight (in kg) and height squared (in m2) and
expressed as body mass index (BMI) with a normal BMI defined as 20–24.9, moderate
overweight between 25–29.9 and obesity as 30. In 2000, the World Health
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Organisation released the following statement: ‘Obesity is a chronic disease, prevalent
in both developed and developing countries, and affecting children as well as adults.
Indeed it is now so common that it is replacing the more traditional public health
concerns, including under-nutrition and infectious disease as one of the most significant
contributors to ill health’ [1]. At the turn of the millennium and the time of publication
of the WHO report, the incidence of obesity in the United States was 30.5%
(compared with 22.9% in 1994) and 64.5% of the population were overweight (compared
with 55.9% in 1994) [2]. More recent statistics suggest that the incidence of
obesity and overweight is rising, not falling, in spite of the apparent efforts of governments
and health care agencies. This shift in body mass has occurred over the past
one to two generations and as such it is unlikely that genetic drift is the cause of the
current obesity epidemic. Rather, a change in lifestyle, compounded by epigenetic or
developmental programming of an obese phenotype are the likely causative factors.
Obesity statistics from the United States are most often quoted, perhaps because
they give the greatest impact; however, scientific studies conducted in other nations
emphasise the fact that obesity is a worldwide problem. A study of cause of death in
South Korea illustrates this fact. In 1938, cardiovascular disease accounted for
approximately 1% of deaths in South Korea whilst infectious diseases were the cause
of approximately 23% of deaths. By 1993, this trend had reversed; approximately 30%
of deaths were attributable to cardiovascular disease whereas only 3% of deaths were
caused by infection. Certainly such statistics are affected both by the vast improvements
in anti-microbial medication and sanitation in that 60-year period; however,
the fact remains that obesity-related illness is the next public health hurdle.
Obesity may not, in itself, be a great risk to human health. Indeed, there are some
individuals who are overweight or obese but do not show any other signs of disease or
ill health. However, for the vast majority, increased body fat is associated with a range
of other, more serious conditions. These include increased blood pressure, insulin
resistance and diabetes mellitus, atherogenic plasma lipid profiles, and increased levels
of vascular inflammatory markers. Collectively, this spectrum of conditions is
termed the ‘metabolic syndrome’ and clinical diagnosis is based on the presence of 3
or more of the above signs. Endothelial dysfunction and leptin resistance are also
likely to contribute to the metabolic syndrome [3].
The rise of obesity is certainly due to the increased availability of food, and the
preponderance of energy dense (high fat and simple carbohydrate) foods that are regularly
consumed in developing and developed societies. Moreover, the industrial era
has produced all manner of labour saving devices that has ultimately seen a reduction
in the physical activity quotient over time [4]. However, despite the obvious importance
of food intake and energy expenditure during adulthood, there is now evidence
that adult lifestyle may not be the only factor at play in determining obesity [5]. The
environment encountered during the in utero and early postnatal periods may also
act to ‘programme’ an individual to have a greater risk of developing obesity and the
metabolic syndrome.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Obesity and BBS

Obesity and BBS

Obesity is a cardinal aspect of the BBS phenotype, beginning in early childhood and
progressing with age; it is usually associated with the trunk and proximal limbs. A survey
of UK BBS patients identified 72% of adults as overweight (BMI 25) and 52%
defined as obese (BMI 30) . At present, the physiological and biochemical abnormalities
underlying obesity in BBS are poorly understood. A case-control study
showed no significant differences between resting metabolic rate between obese BBS
and controls suggesting no underlying defect in metabolism . Bbs-deficient mouse
models (Bbs4 and Bbs6) are initially runty at birth but display progressive weight gain
associated with increased food intake, culminating in obesity at 12 weeks

Genetic Obesity Syndromes

Genetic Obesity Syndromes

There are numerous reports of multi-system genetic disorders with obesity. Many have a characteristic presentation
and several, an overlapping phenotype indicating the likelihood of a shared common underlying
mechanism or pathway. By understanding the genetic causes and functional perturbations of such syndromes
we stand to gain tremendous insight into obesogenic pathways. In this review we focus particularly
on Bardet-Biedl syndrome, whose molecular genetics and cell biology has been elucidated recently, and
Prader-Willi syndrome, the commonest obesity syndrome due to loss of imprinted genes on 15q11–13. We
also discuss highlights of other genetic obesity syndromes including Alstrom syndrome, Cohen syndrome,
Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy (pseudohypoparathyroidism), Carpenter syndrome, MOMO syndrome,
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, cases with deletions of 6q16, 1p36, 2q37 and 9q34, maternal uniparental
disomy of chromosome 14, fragile X syndrome and Börjeson-Forssman-Lehman syndrome.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Energy Homeostasis and Obesity

Energy Homeostasis and Obesity

The concept of the gut as an endocrine organ is hardly a new. The gut peptide secretin
was the first substance to be termed a hormone whilst the appetite inhibitory actions
of cholecystokinin (CCK) were first reported over 30 years ago. However, in
recent years, further scientific endeavour in this field has been motivated by the need
to develop new strategies to tackle the global pandemic of obesity.
The prevalence of obesity in adults has increased by over 75% worldwide since
1980. Given that obesity is causally associated with cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes,
hypertension, stroke, obstructive sleep apnoea and certain cancers, this has
translated into healthcare costs of over half a billion pounds every year in the UK
alone. Obesity is not only a problem in the developed world, but is set to overtake
infectious diseases as the most significant contributor to ill-health worldwide and has
been classified as an epidemic by the World Health Organization .
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Public health initiatives have failed to reverse the rising incidence of obesity.
Medical and behavioural interventions, with the exception of bariatric surgery, have
limited success, as discussed in the treatment section of this volume. This chapter will
focus on the peptide hormone signals from the gut that communicate the status of
body energy stores to the brain and the brain centres on which they act. These regulatory
systems are not only of academic interest, but are likely to underpin any future
strategy to tackle obesity, by providing drug targets for the holy grail of safe sustainable
weight loss.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Gut and Hormones and Obesity

Gut and Hormones and Obesity

Following the discovery of secretin in 1902, a host of further peptide hormones that are synthesised
and released from the gastrointestinal tract have been identified. While their roles in the regulation
of gastrointestinal function have been known for some time, it is now evident that many of these
hormones also physiologically regulate energy balance. Our understanding of how gut hormones
signal to the brain has advanced significantly in recent years. Several hormones, including peptide
YY, pancreatic polypeptide, oxyntomodulin, glucagon-like peptide 1 and cholecystokinin function as
satiety signals. In contrast, only ghrelin, produced by the stomach, has emerged as a putative hunger
signal, appearing to act both as a meal initiator and a long-term body weight regulator. Recent
research suggests that gut hormones can be manipulated to regulate energy balance in man
and that obese subjects retain sensitivity to the actions of gut hormones. The worldwide obesity
pandemic continues unabated, despite public health initiatives and current best therapy. Future
gut hormone-based therapies may provide an effective and well-tolerated treatment for obesity.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Obesity in Old Age

Obesity in Old Age

Many older people in developed countries are overweight or obese. The prevalence is increasing as
more people reach old age already overweight. Obesity in old age is associated with increased morbidity
and a reduction in quality of life. The relative increase in mortality is less in older than young adults
and the body weight associated with maximal survival increases with advancing age. Although intentional
weight loss by overweight older people is probably safe and beneficial, caution should be exercised
in recommending weight loss to overweight older people on the basis of body weight alone.
Methods of achieving weight loss in older adults are the same as in younger adults. Weight loss diets
should be combined with an exercise program to preserve muscle mass, as dieting results in loss of muscle
as well as fat, and older people have reduced skeletal muscle mass in any case. Weight loss drugs
have not been extensively studied in older people, and there is the potential for drug side effects and
interactions. Weight loss surgery appears to be safe and effective, albeit slightly less so than in younger
adults, but little is known about the outcomes of such surgery in those over 65 years.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Causes of Obesity in Childhood

Causes of Obesity in Childhood

Endocrine and single gene disorders causing obesity in childhood are rare, accounting
for 1–2% of obese children seen in a tertiary care setting. Nevertheless, an understanding
of these disorders is required to recognise rare but treatable causes of
childhood obesity. A thorough description of these conditions is beyond the scope of
this review and can be found elsewhere.
The majority of cases, however, arise from a simple interaction between host factors
that enhance susceptibility and environmental factors which increase food intake and
decrease energy expenditure. Factors causing the imbalance in energy intake and
energy expenditure are numerous, simply reflecting the components of the obesogenic
environment in which we live. Factors important in excessive energy intake include the
consumption of energy-dense foods, increased portion sizes, between-meal snacking
and regular intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and fruit juices. Decreased energy
expenditure is often due to the coupling of increased sedentary activities, such as TV and
computer games, alongside decreased physical activity. There are also very significant parental and socioeconomic [1, 17] contributions to obesity risk as demonstrated by
a recent study which showed that while 89% of parents of overweight 5- to 6-year-olds
were unaware that their child was overweight, 71% were not concerned, with less educated
parents being less likely to take action . Ethnicity also significantly impacts
upon obesity risk and the development of co-morbidities. For example, data from several
countries show that black children have a higher prevalence of obesity than white children while obese children from certain ethnic groups (e.g. South Asia) appear to
exhibit higher rates of complications like T2DM for a given level of obesity .
Addressing these complex demographic and lifestyle interactions remains central to the
development of effective prevention and treatment programs for childhood obesity.